The Covenant is both the idea that we must acknowledge the essential truth of the division between secular and spiritual matters and also the commitment to treating the secular differently from the spiritual: all secular matters are governed by Reason alone, and all spiritual matters are governed by whatsoever is called from within us so to do.
See Spirit. A person’s core truth of self, from a subjective, personal perspective. Used in place of “mind” when the purpose is spiritual, not secular.
The idea that we can have very real and profound experiences that can touch us and teach us, regardless of whether or not the object of the experience is involved or even exists. Putting the emphasis on the nature of an experience and not its source.
A person’s core self, from an objective, secular perspective. Used in place of “spirit” or”heart” when the purpose is secular or scientific, not spiritual.
The manner of observance or worship of a Spirituality. Some spiritualities have very somber rituals, while others are more emotive and energetic, for example.
An element of spiritual practice common in one form or another to most Spiritualities. Example: Prayer/Meditation, Sermons/teachings, Confession/Sin-eating, etc. The plural of praxis is praxes.
The faculty and consequent tools that, if applied correctly, discard inconsistent and unjustified statements, claims, and beliefs leaving only that which must be necessarily true. The sole arbiter of secular and factual truth.
A feeling of profundity, depth, or engagement beyond transient emotion. An experience of of connection or “compellingness”. The difference between mere sentiment and something more.
Relating to matters of fact, proof, and of the real, objective world. Not dependent on feeling or opinion. The domain of Reason, and Reason alone.
The truth that sometimes the proper response to a claim of truth is neither to believe it true nor false, but to reject it as unjustified and to simply say “We can’t say.” That Reason dictates that it is the burden of the one that claims to speak secular, factual truth to justify why what they say must be accepted as true, or retract their claim.